10 Interesting Strange Facts about Space

  1. Black hole

  2. Alien life

  3. Metal fusing in space

  4. The Sun

  5. Wise 1828+2650

  6. Unknown object in the galaxy M82

  7. Milky Way colliding Andromeda

  8. UY Scuti

  9. Neutron star

  10. Floating water in space

1.Black hole

Typically formed of the death of massive stars black holes are super dense regions of space with so much gravitational pull that they trap light and warp time. Just a small black hole in our solar system can throw planets out of orbit and tear our sun to pieces. If that wasn’t scary on its own black holes can hurdle across the galaxy at million miles per second leaving trails of destruction in their way


2.Alien life

The universe is massive and unbelievably cold so the chances of other planets similar to earth evolving life is not unlikely at all. According to Fermi’s Paradox the probability of extra-terrestrial life found in space is contradictory to the lack of evidence reporting it. At this point we aren’t sure which is scary, the fact that we might not be alone in the universe or the possibility that we are.


3.Metal fusing in space

If two pieces of metal touch together in space they will melt together and become one, it’s something called Cold Welding or Contact Welding, this doesn’t happen on Earth because the atmosphere puts layers of oxidized material between the surfaces which makes the process of welding possible. This might seem like it’s a problem for satellite space stations but the metals come from earth so it is initially coated with oxidizing material.


4.The Sun

Our Sun is actually not yellow, it looks yellow because of the Earth’s atmosphere in reality the Sun puts out all colors in the visible spectrum of almost equal intensities. The true color of the Sun is actually white


5.Wise 1828+2650

Stars can be weird for example there’s a star out there with a memorabilia name WISE 1828+2650 but it’s not the name which is interesting rather than how cold it is. It’s what’s called the Brown Dwarf and it’s the coldest star ever found with a temperature range of (-9F -261F)
Another weird star is the BPM 37093 but the star’s core is made of diamond 10 billion trillion trillion carats  to be precise and neutron stars are even weirder, neutron stars are so dense that even a teaspoon of neutron star would weigh over 100 million tons.

6.Unknown object in the galaxy M82

In April 2010 radio astronomers reported an unknown object in the galaxy M82, the object appeared seemingly out of nowhere and started emitting out strange radio waves which didn’t look out anything similar in the universe before. There have been similar theories about the nature of the object but currently no theory entirely fits the observe data.

7.Milky Way colliding Andromeda

Did you know that our own galaxy the Milky Way is colliding with another much smaller galaxy named Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy and is currently about 70,000 light years away from Earth but nowhere it is very unlikely that a star or a planet will crash into one another separated by many light years of empty space. The same thing is going to happen after a few billion years from now where the Andromeda Galaxy will collide with the Milky Way and form the Milkdromeda Galaxy.

8.UY Scuti

UY Scuti is do far the largest star ever found, if it was placed in the center of the solar system  it would engulf all the planets in it till Jupiter

IC 1101 is one of the largest known galaxy in the universe, it holds around 100 trillion stars. To put that in perspective our own galaxy Milky Way only contains 400 billion stars but the absolute largest and the most massive and the observable star in the universe is the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall is a so called Galactic Filament  or in other words a huge group of galaxies collected together by gravity. The structure is so huge that scientists cannot even explain its existence its 10 billion light years away which means that we see the structure that was 10 billion light years away. The structure is basically too large to form.                        

9.Neutron star

Neutron star can spin 600 times/second. Neutron stars are the densest and tiniest stars in the known universe and although they only have a radius of about 10 km (6 mi), they may have a mass of a few times that of the Sun. They can rotate at up to 60 times per second after they are born from a core-collapse supernova star explosion and have been known to spin as fast as 600-712 times per second because of their physics.

10.Floating water in space

There is floating water in space. Astronomers have found a massive water vapor cloud which holds 140 trillion times the mass of water in the Earth’s oceans somewhere around 10 billion light years away – making it the largest discovery of water ever found.